Community Development

CDC's Division of Community Development works with communities to identify funding sources that will help them improve the quality of life available to their citizens. Working through the Louisiana Community Development Block Grant (LCDBG) and the Louisiana Capitol Outlay program, CDC can assist a Louisiana community in applying for funding for repairs to streets and bridges, improvements to water and wastewater facilities, and other public infrastructure and community needs. Other services provided through the Division include Funding Referrals and Disaster Recovery Grant Assistance.  

Louisiana Capitol Outlay Program

The Louisiana Capital Outlay Program allows for governmental entities and pre-registered nonprofits to apply annually for funding for local capital improvement projects that meet standards established by statute and constitution as well as long-range policies and goals established by the legislature and governor. As a service to our membership, CDC staff will assist our members with the completion of their Capital Outlay requests.

Note: This funding program is unique to Louisiana 

Funding Referral Services

CDC can advise government entities, political subdivisions, and public/private nonprofit organizations as to whether a specific project they are working on qualifies for available sources of funding. Once qualified, CDC's Community Development staff can work with the entity to develop an application that meets the requirement of the funding source.

Note: Fee based service

Disaster Recovery Grant Assistance

In the event of a disaster, CDC is available to assist government agencies in Northwest Louisiana in applying for Louisiana Community Development Block Grant (LCDBG) emergency grants, and the subsequent administration of the grant, if the application is approved for funding. 

Resiliency Resource Guide 2021-2022

This website is funded by The Seventh Planning District Consortium Workforce Development Board’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs which is federally supported 100% by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of an award totaling $3,335,014 with 0% financed from non-governmental sources. Equal opportunity employer/program  |  Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities  |  TYY: 1-800-846-5277