Economic Development 

CDC's Division of Economic Development works with communities, members, businesses, and other stakeholders throughout our Region to assist with their economic development efforts. For this reason, the Division's fundamental efforts focus on those types of activities which will most likely result in quantitative and qualitative changes in the economy.

Resiliency Resource Guide

Economic Development Administration (EDA)
CDC serves as EDA's representative in Northwest Louisiana.

Public Works Program

Characteristic projects include investments in facilities such as water and sewer systems, industrial access roads, business parks, port facilities, rail spurs, skill-training facilities, business incubator facilities, brownfield redevelopment, eco-industrial facilities, and telecommunications and broadband infrastructure improvements necessary for business creation, retention, and expansion. All grants awarded are competitive in nature; matching funds are required.

Planning Services

Click below to view all the planning services we offer!

Technical Assistance Program

EDA's Technical Assistance program is designed to address the needs of distressed communities experiencing adverse economic changes that may occur suddenly or over time. Current EDA investment priorities focus on:
(A) Collaborative Regional Innovation
(B) Public/Private Partnerships
(C) National Strategic Priorities
(D) Global Competitiveness
(E) Environmentally-Sustainable Development
(F) Economically Distressed and Under-Served Communities.

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

Every five years, under its contract with EDA, CDC updates the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for Northwest Louisiana. The CEDS process involves looking at Northwest Louisiana's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Goals and objectives are formulated to deal with weaknesses and threats and to take advantage of strengths and opportunities, and an action plan is developed based on the established objectives. Updates are prepared annually to document progress made during the year in carrying out the goals and objectives listed in the 5-year action plan.

The Coordinating and Development Corporation's (CDC) Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) has been developed based upon a wide range of input offered by elected officials, business leaders, EDOs, social service agencies, educators, and others located in the 10 parishes in northwest Louisiana. Its primary goals are to (1) identify the programs and services that over the next five years will help create and retain jobs, address human resource development, and actively seek out new methods to improve the quality of life for the residents of Northwest Louisiana, and (2) as a performance-based plan, the CEDS will serve a critical role in a Region's efforts to defend against economic dislocations due to global trade, competition and other events resulting in the loss of jobs and private investment.

CEDS Report 2022-2026

Delta Regional Authority (DRA)

CDC serves as DRA's Local Development District for Bienville, Claiborne, DeSoto, Lincoln, Natchitoches, Red River, and Webster Parishes.

State Economic Development Assistance Program (SEDAP)

Entities that are eligible to apply for DRA funding include state and local governments (state agencies, city, and county/parish), public bodies, and non-profit entities with projects in the DRA Region. For-profit entities are not eligible to apply. Types of eligible projects include: Basic Public Infrastructure, Transportation Infrastructure, Business Development (with an emphasis on entrepreneurship), and Workforce Development.

Information on Economic Development Programs

The Division's staff maintains and disseminates information on various programs which relate to and promote economic development. Information concerning USDA and other economic development programs also is maintained, and CDC can assist interested parties in contacting the appropriate contacts to apply for information, including funding availability, for these programs.

Louisiana Enterprise Zone Maps

The Louisiana Legislature has designated Enterprise Zones (EZs) throughout the State in which new or expanding businesses can receive tax breaks if they create new jobs. CDC has small-scale maps available, which show general locations of EZs in each parish. Also, CDC can provide governmental entities with EZ maps of particular locations based on their street address or location description. Companies wishing to know whether or not their employees live within Enterprise Zones may use this service.

This website is funded by The Seventh Planning District Consortium Workforce Development Board’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs which is federally supported 100% by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of an award totaling $3,335,014 with 0% financed from non-governmental sources. Equal opportunity employer/program  |  Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities  |  TYY: 1-800-846-5277